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For just £10 you can become a porpoise pal! You will receive weekly updates on our Pembrokeshire porpoises, a mention in our Strumble diary and your very own Sea Trust torch pen!

Pembrokeshire, and Strumble Head in particular is a hot spot for harbour porpoises. Currently, porpoises do not get the recognition they require to ensure their conservation in the future, so Sea Trust are aiming to raise awareness of the species and it’s importance in our ecosystem.

Harbour porpoises are active around the Pembrokeshire coast, particularly off Strumble Head year round. We have been monitoring these waters for more than 12 years now and have witnessed first hand just how much they rely on these waters on a daily basis. Over the years, we have encountered calves regularly as well as several births taking place – this is proof the waters around Strumble Head are not only being used as nurseries to raise young, but to actually give birth too. As well as reproducing, the waters off Strumble Head are extremely important for these animals to feed and socialise.

Currently porpoises are not protected, unlike the bottlenose dolphin with which they share the coastline. We are hoping to raise awareness so that porpoises and Strumble Head can both be recognised as they should be, so that we can ensure their future conservation.

Sea Trust is based in the Ocean Lab, Goodwick, Pembrokeshire and works year round to get local people and visitors to the area interested and involved in the marine life around the coast. We are constantly monitoring the marine life around the coast and in the Irish Sea, as well as working with school groups and local organisations to educate people about the marine environment, the wildlife that can be found around our coast and it’s importance. If you would like to help towards our work, you can donate an amount of your choice directly to Sea Trust using the information provided below, or follow the Paypal link by clicking "Donate" at the bottom of the page to protect a porpoise for £10!

To donate, you can directly transfer using the details below:
Account name: Seatrust CIC
Account number: 62833868
Sort code: 30-93-98
Use the reference PORPOISE

Any donations are much appreciated, even the smallest contribution can make a difference towards our work to protect our porpoises!

Thanks very much,
The Sea Trust team and Pembrokeshire porpoises!

If you would like any more info, don’t hesitate to get in touch – 01348874737 or